Saturday, September 09, 2006

Up the Coast (Bodega Bay, CA)

In April, 2004, my then-fiancee (now wife) Julie and I drove up the coast from San Francisco to Tillamook, OR. We were heading to Portland for the biennial Preserving Historic Roads Conference. We had both already driven the coast between Los Angeles and San Francisco, so we decided to officially start our trip by crossing the Golden Gate Bridge. Our first night out, we camped on Bodega Bay. This was one of our views the next morning.

(The entire trip's travelogue was available in the American Road group on Yahoo. But that group decided to move to American Road Magazine's own server. I haven't participated, mostly because I've been too lazy to log in. There was always something nice and easy about having everything emailed to me, and reading what I wanted, as opposed to actively trying to find out if I wanted to read anything.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My wife and me spent there one day in 2001 looking for the footsteps of Hitchcock's making of "The Birds". Despite the bad weather - it was fun!

What a beautiful picture you made, Scott - congratulations.

Stefan from Germany

8:18 AM  
Blogger Julie said...

I can practically feel the mist rolling in.

8:33 AM  

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